Saturday, August 16, 2008


Okay well, for the last couple weeks it has been mainly orientation for our field assignment. We are at our humble home. Its been a long road so far but we are staying at a Baptist House. It is huge about 5 minutes from the US embassy. Oh and how cool we have a 24-7 guard. I should have pics up soon and everything. The internet is slow but whatever, and some times the power just goes out. Joel and I are recovering from amoebas. We both got pretty sick just after we moved in. 4 hands on members have attracted amoebas they think it was from the food in the compound where we had the orientation. 
Ya we have learned a lot from the past couple weeks, mainly culture stuff and storying. Africans seem to like storying. Its a real simple concept. You just tell them the stories out of the Bible. Its crazy how they are just so willing to listen. We have a lot of Muslim here but it mainly "my daddy was a Muslim so therefor I am to" and that also seems to be true for christians here to. The have to names for christian and that is Christian- which is a person is is a Christian by family and not faith. Then there is "born again" which means the except Him "Christ" and they are Christ followers. Its strange but we even have that in the states, more or less the idea and not the saying. But anyways, all is good. It is cool how easy it is to share the Gospel here but the one bad issue is which I kind of saw before coming here is Im WHITE and white people have money. Where i live there are more white people but still the Tanzanians want my money. lol. In one day in the city we had like 3 to 4 people ask us to buy them stuff. One guy had a a business outfit on with nice shoes and a nice phone. He talked with us, mainly Joel, for about 30 mins. Then he wanted us to buy him lunch. I should have asked him to buy us lunch. We just said no. It is definitely different here but nothing dangerous, however if your not smart you will get taken advantage of. Anyways it is late Ill will try to keep everyone updated soon. Love you all.


Unknown said...

Great hearing you all made it well, and are getting settled in. We are praying for you all back home, and hope you get well soon.

JP said...

Hope you are feelin better. Tell Matt I said whats up. And if I hadn't told you guys before, "I'm proud of you." Keep up the good work.

demarest6 said...

Chip & Matt-
We heard Chip was pretty sick and have been praying for you in our Sunday School class. Our family has been keeping you in our prayers as well...asking God to give you the strength to remain in His service. Chip, hope you're doing better and thanks for the update!