Friday, October 31, 2008


Hey all I want to give you a quick update and when I get back in town Tuesday I will update you more. Well things here are getting super hot... That also includes the ministries on campus. Its kind of hard to tell you new things because we have been here for quite some time and everything is moving smoothly. I did find out however that one of our night guards had a heat stroke and past away a while ago. If you want to join us in praying for his family and friends. Well, our small groups are growing and the guys in them are really becoming close and its cool. That is what we came to do. We have been able to go to and orphanage with the campus ministry and I love those kids. There are several pictures on my facebook. If you dont have one, you can make one or ask someone if they do. lol. But I have to go. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. We love you and thank Christ for you....

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Church Friends and Family

Family, Friends, and Church

Hey everyone! Things here in Dar are going well. I miss everyone but hey we have only 9 more weeks here. Believe it or not. WOW! I must tell you matt and I got to travel to Kenya with both Tanzanian Hands-on Teams. It was an incredible 16 hour roller coaster ride, filled with luxurious stops along the way to Nairobi, Kenya. Our stops were other bus depots and truck stop, not like the ones back home on i75. These bathrooms or Toilets were holes in the ground with a buckets of grotesque water to clean our hands. Let's not even mention all the human feces round the "porcelain hole" But thank the lord we made it with our stomach still attached. Nairobi is a lot like LA or Dallas with a European influence. Then we had to go home the day after arriving. The purpose was to renew our VISA because of the complications that most of you know about. All is good now. However, I, yours truly, managed to get a bacterial infection. YEAH, not really. If anything please pray that I get better soon because it effects my travel, if you know what I mean. 

Cool news everyone, Rays beat Boston, now only 3 more games to pull an extremely awesome victory!!!! But you know that.  So on the other hand I would like to share some neat stuff that is currently happening. I will be leading a Hall (Dorm) II Bible Study on Romans. I started doing them individually but I had to many people so now we will meet as a group and then talk individually as needed.  Outside of being sick, Im doing great. We need a positive Spirit to work here or we will just get beaten up. 

There are some complications happening, there are a lot of talks of the students rioting. Felicia noticed a small demonstration by a Cafe'. So we are on notice if we see any outbursts to just leave.  We live far enough away to not be affected by any rioting. I would love if you all could pray for that issue to be resolve in a more productive manner. The rioting is over the Dorm rooms and students aren't being allowed to advance because of outstanding loans.  

The same students, Bill, Makemie, Boneiphace, Peter and now Maganga and Paul> I am working with these know to help disciple them under the Bible. I am hoping to involve many more in the Hall II Bible study, including two new contacts, Jo and Patrick. Please pray that the Spirit of God is directing these young men and not I because that is not the reason I should be here. 

I love you all dearly and I too am praying for you. Please continue to pray for us as it does get hard to be here with all the commotion and the tendency to want to go home. Thank you all so much for everything you all are doing for us. We couldn't e here if it weren't for you all. 
May God bless you.

Well life in Africa is pretty awesome, I mean there is a huge shortage of BBQ sauce but life will go on. Throughout the last few weeks I have really been struggling with the fact of being away for so long, but after a lot of prayer and God putting people into my life things have been getting easier. I feel bad that I actually miss my fiends more than my own family. Anyways, I am in the middle of trying to situate bible study ideas, so prayer would be really helpful. God has blessed me with an awesome group of Tanzanian's, that seem to be really interested about anything I say about Jesus, So once again pray that I am able to speak clearly, and able to answer their questions. It is so cool just being able to see how deferent their society runs. Although they don't really have much earthly possessions, most of them are quit ca-tent with just being able to show love and friendliness to one another. What I'm trying to say is that this whole society is based on relationships. Their just so open with on another, for instance a Tanzanian and I were walking through the dorms passing out CD's, and we just walked into anyone and everyones dorm room, without even a knock. This whole basketball reach-out has been awesome, but I have been feeling led to start another kind of bible study. So I'm going to get my hands on some "visit me" papers that all of the students fill out, and hopefully God willing I can start up another bible study. In other news, it is really starting to get hot here! Not much fun, and its only going to get hotter. Thank you all for the prayer support, it means more than you know. One last thing if anyone gets really bored, feel free to drop by my house and say hello to the old man for me; he would love it. I have a lot more to write about, but I need to get to bed, so I love and miss all of you, except for joey. lol Now GOODNIGHT!!!

p.s. Every BBQ restaurant in St. Petersburg FL. will be bombarded the night I get home. You all are welcome to join!!!!